Website Design

People Who Care

Project Overview

People Who Care offer volunteer support to people in need, whether they are aged, have a disability or are in financial or social hardship.

They came to us with the goal of better communicating how people can both receive help and offer their time, goods or resources. Visitors to their previous website were unclear about how to access support, or how they could help others through volunteering or donations. With a desire to be able to help more people across WA, their website is an essential marketing tool. We designed and developed the website with accessibility in mind, structuring their navigation to make it fast and easy for people to find the information they need.

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."


Brand Strategy

We conducted brand workshops to align the team, define and understand key audiences and their desired positioning. In defining the brand, we uncovered a core narrative about championing flexible work, for the mutual benefit of employees and employers, a big idea that their team, clients and partners could rally behind. This strategic alignment set the foundation for a unified and impactful brand.

Brand Messaging

We developed a cohesive verbal identity, including brand voice rules and writing mechanics. Key brand messages such as mission, vision, values, purpose, and value propositions were created to engage and resonate with their target audiences. Verbal identity guidelines were established to ensure scalability and consistent application across all marketing materials.

Brand Visuals

We designed a new visual identity system to build trust and credibility with key audiences, defining the brand's logo, colours, typography, supporting graphics and application rules. We also developed a motif with overlapping elements that visually symbolises brand's big idea that we shouldn't have to choose between flexibility and stability at work. We provided visual guidelines to ensure consistency and ease of application and developed branded collateral and templates that were built in Canva to make it easy for their whole team to maintain consistency in their materials.


We planned, designed and developed Connect's new website using the brand's visual and verbal identity to build trust and differentiate from competitors. With two distinct audiences, it was essential to help visitors quickly find the information most relevant to them. We used clear wayfinding language and crafted specific landing pages for employers and job seekers. To drive conversions we focused on building dynamic, engaging layouts, building credibility, simplifying the application processes and strong calls to action. Built in Webflow, the site allows for fast and easy updates.

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."


Brand Strategy & Messaging

Through brand workshops, we defined key audiences, brand character, trajectory, and desired positioning. This process revealed their core philosophy: "We cannot achieve greatness alone," emphasising the agility and resilience businesses gain by outsourcing non-core functions to capable providers. The creation of key brand messages, including mission, vision, values, and purpose statements, reflected this philosophy.

Brand Visuals

A new visual identity system was designed, featuring a logo, colours, typography, and supporting graphics to build trust and credibility. To ensure scalability and consistency, visual guidelines were established. Additionally, a supporting graphic pattern was developed to represent the idea of partnership and symbiotic relationships visually.


We developed an interactive, password-protected online capability statement to streamline the sales process, allowing it to be shared only with select, qualified clients. This online document impressed clients with its quality and engagement, providing a stark contrast to typical PDFs. For their public-facing presence, a unique one-page website was created, complete with copyediting and Calendly integration for easy, fast appointment bookings.

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."

The Results

"Our new website has seen a drastic increase in enquiry submissions for both potential clients and volunteers, as well as extremely positive feedback from staff and peers."


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People Who Care

A new website for the people who care. An online space created to help people quickly understand how to get or give support.