May 31, 2022

7 Types of Proof to Use on Your Website

7 Types of Proof to Use on Your Website

Whenever someone arrives on your website for the first time, you can bet they’re asking themselves a few key questions. Am I in the right place? Is this for me? Will this work? Is the risk of buying this worth the reward?

Your website’s job is to reassure your ideal customers that yes, they’re in the right place, that yes this is a great solution for them and that yes the reward will outweigh the risk.

You can tell them all these things. But, most people won’t just take your word for it. They want you to show them that you’re credible. And that’s where proof comes into play.

And there are a lot of different types of proof you can use and in this week’s episode, we’re going to be outlining 7 of our favourites.

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