January 17, 2022

7 Questions to Ask Before You Build Your Website

7 Questions to Ask Before You Build Your Website

Happy new year everyone —‘tis the season of new beginnings and if you’re thinking of building a new website in 2022, you won’t want to miss this episode.

Having clarity in what you want to build, who it’s for and why you’re building it is an essential part of the website design process, and yet, it’s the part most people skip.

But without a website plan, you’re either:

  • Taking a wild guess, adding content to the page and crossing your fingers and toes that it will connect with your audience.
  • Or ‘getting inspired’ by other people’s websites, copying ideas or content without really knowing why it’s there.

And, we know from personal experience that both of these approaches result in a website that does little to help you stand out and grow your business.

In this week's episode, we discuss:

  • The 7 big questions you need to answer about your website before you do anything else. 
  • The affordable tool we created to help you plan your new website like a pro.
  • Lisa’s nightmare web design experience as a client and what she wishes she knew about building a website back then.

Links and resources:

Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out on any future episodes. And, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it with someone who’s building their website in 2022.

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