June 19, 2018

Writing the Perfect About Page: 6 Creative Examples From Industry Pros

Writing the Perfect About Page: 6 Creative Examples From Industry Pros

Did you know that the 'about' page is one of the most visited pages on any website? 

This underrated page is so important in building trust and likability with your audience from the very first visit, but so many businesses miss the opportunity to stand out by optimising this page.

When most people show up on your about page they're looking for information about what you do and how you can help them, what it would be like to work with you and whether your business is legit.

With this in mind, I went on the hunt for about pages from a range of industries to examine what makes a killer about page and the lessons we can apply to our own sites.

Lesson 1: Yes, it's about you, but it's really about them.

Muse: Amy Porterfield

While scoping out about pages for this article I thought I would check out the queen of online marketing— Amy Porterfield. Her about page is heavily focused on her story, and, at first, I almost dismissed using it as an example thinking it would be too focused on her instead of her audience.

But, what was evident immediately was how well she knew her audience and their pain points. Sure, she was sharing her personal journey, but the feelings and frustrations she was hitting on were so relatable it could have been any entrepreneur's story. She was able to say exactly what they are thinking and feeling.    

As the story evolves, Amy shares not only her challenges (making her likeable) but how she resolved them too (giving her credibility). This format works really well for Amy because she is the face and name behind the brand and, while it might not be a fit for every business, but I think the key takeaway here is in how well she speaks to her ideal customers challenges. 

Try It!

Reassure your customers that they're in the right place by mirroring exactly what they're thinking and feeling (in their own words). You can do this by knowing your customers inside and out before you write a word (I'm talking surveys, interviews and data gathering).

Build likability and rapport with your audience by sharing your own story, but always bring it back to how this impacts them. Remember, your customer should always be the hero.  


Lesson 2: Tell 'em what's unique about you

Muse: noissue

I really want to sell a physical product just so I can get my hands on some custom tissue paper from noissue. They have a top notch brand. What I liked about their about page was the fact that they tell you pretty quickly what they stand for— sustainability. 

We've banged on about this before, but when your brand is able to own a difference, even in a crowded market, you start to become known for that difference. Your about page is a great place to tell your website visitors about what you stand for and how you're different from others in your industry. 

Try It!

Tell your customers why they should choose you over everyone else in your industry. This often shows up as 'values' on an about page, but it doesn't have to. Just make sure if you're sharing your values, that they're not generic— I'm going to scroll right on by anything that tells me how 'quality-focused' and 'ethical' you are because I think that goes without saying. Tell me something I don't know. I think the best values are polarising and could be argued either way.     


Lesson 3: Show them who you are

Muse: Go-To Skincare

Zoe Foster Blake is one of my favourite businesswomen. Her skincare line 'Go-To' also happens to be a great example of branding done well and is laced with witty, delightfully fun copy.

What I liked about Go-To's about page was how they artfully dropped Zoe's credentials. Her bio is sprinkled with a few relatable tid-bits, accompanied by a well lit photo of her, and written in their distinctive brand voice. 

Try It!

If there is a place to share your team's accolades and achievements, this is it. Just don't go overboard. Pick and choose your best clients, career highlights and testimonials to show off your expertise and save the rest for your autobiography.

People want to know you're relatable and human, so don't be afraid to add photos or other appropriate facts or figures to help your customers get to know you or your team.


Lesson 4: Tell them why

Muse: Artifact Uprising

Artifact Uprising's about page starts with a simple purpose statement — 'Honour that which is meaningful'. The company, which offers a way to turn those digital snaps into beautiful, physical albums, doesn't skip a beat when it comes to telling customers why they do what they do— they're in the business of turning digital files we never look at, into into treasured keepsakes.

As Simon Sinek says 'people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it,' and Artifact Uprising's customers are definitely on board with the sentiment behind this brand. 

Try It!

Why does your business exist (beyond making money)? How does your business help people create a better version of themselves? Your purpose doesn't have profound or ground-breaking, but it can help your customers to understand the intent behind your business (beyond making a quick buck). 

Read more about why purpose driven business are more successful.  

Artifact uprising's about page screenshot

Lesson 5: Give them a glimpse behind the scenes

Muse: Warby Parker

Warby Parker changed up the glasses game with their inexpensive frames, buy a pair, give a pair system and 'try at home' service. 

What I liked about their page was that it gives a glimpse behind the scenes. While people love a bargain, Warby Parker know that new time buyers may also be wondering whether their cheap prices result from cheap materials or labour. So, they show off their process— from design and manufacturing, to the final product. 

When looking for reasons to validate their purchase, knowing the story and process behind how it is made helps to win over the skeptics and satisfy the curious.

Try It!

Get your customers to start imagining what it's like to work with you or what it might be like to own or use your products. If you're a product based business, this might be sharing your manufacturing process like Warby Parker or showing off what your stores look like. If you're a service based business, this could be including photos of your office space or mapping out the customer process. 

Warby Parker's about page

Lesson 6: Include a Call to Action

Muse: Asana

Asana is one of the tools we use everyday in our business to keep things organised, and I've always liked how clear their message and mission is. 

Asana's about page stood out to me because it includes an element that is often missing on many About pages– calls to action. Asana know that people visiting their about page are either trying to understand more about their product or are hoping to work with them, so their calls to action are geared towards helping each group find the right next step for their circumstance. 

Try It!

Decide what the next step should be after visiting your about page. This might be a link to another page, an opt in offer, contact button or link to follow you on social media, or a combination of these. 

Screenshot of Asana's about page

Your about page is important, and armed with these 6 lessons, I know you're going to nail it. 

So, now, I'd love to know— which lesson was your favourite? Which lessons will you implement in your business? Leave a comment and let me know!

If you found this useful, and know someone else who would too, give it a share using the buttons below. Happy writing!

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